2024-05-12: gardening

yesterday was gardening day. turn on the water (we have to turn off exterior taps in the fall here, and drain them, or else the residual water can freeze and cause problems), then weeded the vegetable garden, tilled the soil, worked in the fertilized compost, and planted. just red potatoes and carrots yesterday. where i live, even though it's mid may, there can still be frosts, which would kill cucumbers. we'll plant those in a couple of weeks.

after i was done, watered everything, trimmed back the tall grasses to allow new growth, managing to stab myself deep under the nail while grabbing a stalk. i do this every year.

my dogs sad, watching me from the deck, not allowed down on the grass while i work, in case they try to dig under a fence, or the gate swings open. the latch can catch in the wind. i need to look into that, too. later, later.

this morning i wake to a haze over the landscape, an orange-red sun. i guess wildfire season has begun. i take the dogs out for a pee, and the smoke is thick and heavy. i remember that just a hundred companies are responsible for seventy-one percent of all emissions. i think about this as people talk about personal choices, things that we, individually, can do. the robins singing through the smoky haze. the blackbirds stomping down the fence.
