2024-08-19: how is the summer almost done?

the usual answer: because it's passed.

also: because i haven't taken a vacation-vacation. we took some time off and visited my partner's parents, but that's not quite the same as catching a flight and seeing something new, or taking a road trip, or whatever.

(reminds me of all the road trips we [me & my partner, me & old friends, ...] promised each other we'd take, and never did. if you want to do it, find a way to do it!)

but we just got back from seeing hozier, & that was a great trip. i don't often get down to the states. a nice little mini-trip for my superfan partner. have another road trip planned for a few weeks from now. maybe making up for lost time?

the great tragedy is that when you're young you have conviction but very little money, and as you get older, the money problem gets better, but your world shrinks considerably. i wish i'd gone down the eastern seaboard with my friends, to the st. lawrence to visit an old friend. so it goes.

ah well. the cucumbers in the garden are growing like weeds. i'm going to pick and peel a couple, drown my sorrows in cucumber and tzatziki.
