2024-10-12: the belt tightens

the last few months, the people i know working on term contracts have been on edge. word that higher up, across all departments, contract employees are not being renewed. this despite the fact that the economy is good. so it ever goes, right? and it's not just us. in sectors, there seem to be deep layoffs despite every indication that things are good, actually.

luckily, hopefully i'm safe. i think. for now. all caveats apply. but i've been seeing people at various points in their career (a few years in, a decade+ in) caught up by this, and i just...it sucks. i know people are stressed, scared, wondering how they're going to pay the bills. applying for everything. & radio static in return.

generally: working is awful. gotta work to live. yet every job feels so precarious, your existence at the whim of some number at the end of a budgetary line. years to go until i'm done, & hope nothing takes me down before then. what a life. what a world.
